





​华体会,第一轮通知 | 国际水协第18届可持续污泥技术与管理会议 主办单位:国际水协,中国科学院 联合主办单位:《中国给水排水》杂志社 等


焦点提醒:第一轮通知 | 国际水协第18届可延续污泥手艺与治理会议 主办单元:国际水协,中国科学院 结合主办单元:《中国给水排水》杂志社 等 中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you to the 18th IWA Conference on Sustainable Sludge Management, which will be held in Beijing, China, in 2024. This conference is a joint effort of the IWA Sludge Management Specialist Group, with the support of the International Water Association and other partners. Sludge management is one of the most challenging issues facing the water sector today. It involves not only technical aspects, but also environmental, social, economic, and regulatory aspects. It requires innovative and sustainable solutions that can balance the benefits and costs of sludge treatment and disposal. This conference will provide a platform for knowledge exchange and networking among researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and industry representatives from around the world. The conference will cover a wide range of topics related to sludge management, such as sludge production, characterization, stabilization, digestion, thickening, dewatering, thermal processing, agricultural reuse, production of usable materials, and ultimate disposal. We hope that this conference will stimulate fruitful discussions and collaborations among all stakeholders involved in sludge management. We also hope that you will enjoy your stay in Beijing, the capital city of China with a long history and rich culture. Thank you for your participation and support. We wish you a successful and enjoyable conference. �����APP

国际水协(International Water Association,IWA)是全球主要的水行业专业协会,成员包罗来自豪学、研究机构、项目和征询公司、公用事业单元的全球专家。IWA Conference on Sustainable Sludge Management系各国际会议至今已举行17届,2024年5月17日~20日在中国北京举行系列会议的第18届国际会议。



年夜会主席 许国仁


1 —— 污泥中新污染物处置与平安转化2 —— 污泥低碳处置与碳减排立异手艺3 —— 污泥资本能源化操纵与轮回经济4 —— 污泥热化学处置碳减排立异手艺5 —— 工业污泥低碳绿色处置措置手艺 6 —— 污泥低碳绿色处置手艺治理示范

第一轮通知 | 国际水协第18届可延续污泥手艺与治理会议原创年夜会组委会污泥平安资本化 接待参会

国际水协(International Water Association,IWA)是全球主要的水行业专业协会,成员包罗来自豪学、研究机构、项目和征询公司、公用事业单元的全球专家。IWA Conference on Sustainable Sludge Management系各国际会议至今已举行17届,2024年5月17日~20日在中国北京举行系列会议的第18届国际会议。



年夜会主席 许国仁


1 —— 污泥中新污染物处置与平安转化2 —— 污泥低碳处置与碳减排立异手艺3 —— 污泥资本能源化操纵与轮回经济4 —— 污泥热化学处置碳减排立异手艺5 —— 工业污泥低碳绿色处置措置手艺 6 —— 污泥低碳绿色处置手艺治理示范


2023. 07. 01

征 稿 系 统 开 放

2023. 12. 31

摘 要 投 稿 截 止

2024. 02. 01

稿 件 接 收 通 知 2024. 04. 01 全 文 投 稿 截 止 2024. 05. 18 会 议 注 册 截 止







图片 中国情况科学学会固废分委会 图片











The 18th IWA Conference on Sustainable Sludge Management 国际水协第 1 8 届可延续污泥手艺与治理会议 第 1 届中国污泥 100 人 高 层 技 术 与 管 理 论 坛 2024. 05. 17 ~ 2024. 05. 20, 北京, 中国 国 际 会 议 通 知 国际水协第 1 8 届 可 持 续 污 泥 技 术 与 管 理 会 议 摘要投稿截止日期 – 2023.12.31 投稿网址: https://iwa-sludge-2024.casconf.cn/profile/submission 会议简介 国际水协(International Water Association,IWA)是全球主要的 水行业专业协会,成员包罗来自豪学、研究机构、项目和征询 公 司 、 公 用 事 业 单 位 的 全 球 专 家 。 IWA Conference on Sustainable Sludge Management系各国际会议至今已举行17届, 2024年在中国举行系列会议的第18届国际会议。 最近几年来,中国和国际污泥处置措置范畴面对更多配合的挑战, 如双碳方针实现,新污染物消减,资本能源收受接管操纵与轮回经 济,致病微生物灭活,人工智能赋能等。经由过程本次会议,国内 外专家能够配合切磋污泥处置措置的新手艺、新模式与新策略, 以应对日趋严重的挑战,鞭策污泥的可延续治理与资本化操纵。 本次国际会议对增进全球污泥平安资本化操纵、提高情况平安 起到主要感化,为深化国际合作与交换搭建平台,鞭策国表里 污泥处置措置财产立异成长。 本次国际会议名称为“国际水协第18届可延续污泥手艺与治理会 议”,同期举行“第1届中国污泥100人高层手艺与治理论坛”。会 议将重点存眷污泥可延续手艺和治理方案,此次会议对中国和 国际污泥范畴都很是主要。我们很是兴奋能举行此次国际会议, 并强烈热闹接待国表里专业人士来到中国,配合努力在以可延续方 式处理这一全球情况问题。 年夜会主席 许国仁 主要日期 2023.07.01 征稿系统开放 2023.12.31 摘要投稿截止 2024.02.01 稿件领受通知 2024.04.01 全文投稿截止 2024.05.18 会议注册截止 会议主题 主 题 1 — — 污泥中新污染物处置与平安转化 主 题 2 — — 污泥低碳处置与碳减排立异手艺 主 题 3 — — 污泥资本能源化操纵与轮回经济 主 题 4 — — 污泥热化学处置碳减排立异手艺 主 题 5 — — 工业污泥低碳绿色处置措置手艺 主 题 6 — — 污泥低碳绿色处置手艺治理示范 主办单元 国际水协(IWA) 中国科学院(CAS) 配合主办单元 中国情况科学学会 固废分委会 《中国给水排水》 杂志社 北京城市排水团体 无限义务公司 假如您对污泥国际会议有建议、定见或合作意向,请发邮件至: iwa-sludge-conference@ucas.ac.cn 撑持单元 北京北排科技无限公司 康碧情况手艺无限公司 会议微信群 会议公家号 …… The 18th IWA Conference on Sustainable Sludge Management 国际水协第 1 8 届可延续污泥手艺与治理会议 第 1 届中国污泥 100 人 高 层 技 术 与 管 理 论 坛 2024. 05. 17 ~ 2024. 05. 20, Beijing, China CALL FOR PAPERS The 18th IWA Conference on Sustainable Sludge Management Deadline of Abstract Submission – December 31, 2023 Submission: https://iwa-sludge-2024.casconf.cn/profile/submission WELCOME On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you to the 18th IWA Conference on Sustainable Sludge Management, which will be held in Beijing, China, in 2024. This conference is a joint effort of the IWA Sludge Management Specialist Group, with the support of the International Water Association and other partners. Sludge management is one of the most challenging issues facing the water sector today. It involves not only technical aspects, but also environmental, social, economic, and regulatory aspects. It requires innovative and sustainable solutions that can balance the benefits and costs of sludge treatment and disposal. This conference will provide a platform for knowledge exchange and networking among researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and industry representatives from around the world. The conference will cover a wide range of topics related to sludge management, such as sludge production, characterization, stabilization, digestion, thickening, dewatering, thermal processing, agricultural reuse, production of usable materials, and ultimate disposal. We hope that this conference will stimulate fruitful discussions and collaborations among all stakeholders involved in sludge management. We also hope that you will enjoy your stay in Beijing, the capital city of China with a long history and rich culture. Thank you for your participation and support. We wish you a successful and enjoyable conference. Conference Chair Prof. Guoren Xu Important Dates 2023.07.01 CALL FOR PAPERS OPEN 2023.12.31 ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE 2024.02.01 AUTHORS’ NOTIFICATION 2024.04.01 FULL PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE 2024.05.18 AUTHORS’ REGISTRATION DEADLINE TOPICS 1. Emerging contaminants in sludge – management, treatment, and safe transformation 2. Innovative technologies for carbon reduction & sequestration in sludge treatment 3. Sludge treatment to enhance recycling and resource recovery in a circular economy 4. Sludge conditioning, dewatering, drying, thermal treatment – Innovative approaches to reduce carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions 5. Industrial sludges management – green and low carbon approaches 6. Innovative practice and management of green & low-carbon sludge treatment Organizers International Water Association Chinese Academy of Sciences Co-organizers Division of Solid Waste, Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences Journal of China Water and Wastewater Beijing Drainage Group Co., Ltd If you have any questions or suggestions, please send email to: iwa-sludge-conference@ucas.ac.cn Supporters Beijing Drainage Technology Co., Ltd CAMBI WeChat Group WeChat Subscription ……


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